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Re: Clashing ties & slurs with tieWaitForNote

From: Malte Meyn
Subject: Re: Clashing ties & slurs with tieWaitForNote
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2015 14:30:03 +0100
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Am 21.11.2015 um 20:30 schrieb David Kastrup:
Urs Liska <address@hidden> writes:

Thanks, that makes things clearer.  This is definitely what I
suggested. The "outer" slur is not a tie but a phrasing slur and the
inner one a slur indicating the bowing.

That would not make much sense, really.  Phrasing slurs in violin music
are only necessary when you can't avoid changing bow direction, so if
they are present, they are much longer.

The tied notation makes more sense, indicating that you change from a
one-string note to a double-stop and then revert back to the one-string

I disagree: In Finlandia this note is definitely *not* tied. Obviously Sibelius writes both a “technical” slur (for bow change) and a “musical/melodical” slur (not really “phrasing” in musical language but in lilypond language).

For a more secure proof have a look at the third bar after rehearsal mark L: This cannot be played as double stops.

And the first bar after L is the same in the cello part and not (or hardly) playable as double stops on a cello. Also there is no other instrument that holds the c …

This kind of "hold a note on one string and touch notes on next
string" phrasing is used in a few movements in the Bach solo partitas as
well.  The notation of Steve was a reasonable rendition for that:
writing this as strictly two voices makes it harder to indicate the

The Bach solo partitas are polyphonic. This part of Finlandia is definitely not.

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