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[Linphone-developers] I need help compiling linphone-desktop for raspber

From: Tobias Ramforth
Subject: [Linphone-developers] I need help compiling linphone-desktop for raspberry pi
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2016 07:37:52 +0100
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

Hello everyone,

I learned about linphone from the doorpi project. The first installation on my raspberry pi worked beautifully - but unfortunately the version you offer for download does not include the H264 codec I need for a SIP connection to my asterisk server (which does not support the VP80 codec).

I followed the instructions in the linphone wiki to set up a build environment and to cross-compile linphone-desktop. The compilation failed on a 64- as well as on a 32-bit debian stretch: the first due to an unrecognized "-m64" command line option, the latter due to an unrecognized "-m32" command line option wheb compiling openh264.
It seems as if openh264 does not "know" that I would like to compile an arm binary and adds command line options for x86...
I already searched the web for a solution but I could not find any.

My next attempt was to compile on the rpi directly. The h264 no longer was a problem. I was then stuck at pylinphone which did not find PythonLibs. I could fix that however (well, could I?) by manually setting the PYTHON_LIBRARY variable in the CMakeLists.txt.

Finally everything compiled but the resulting in the whl and zip files was only about 5000 bytes in size.

So, doorpi does not run with my self-compiled linphone.
My guess is that not all libraries got included somehow.

I am pretty much stuck and I do not have any ideas on how to proceed.
Compiling on the rpi is tedious as it takes a lot of time and probably wears down my sd card very fast. I think a cross-compiling solution would be a better option...

Does anybody have any hints for me on how to get a linphone-desktop with h264 support for my private little project?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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