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Re: [lmi] Converting...to svn? [Was: Savannah status]

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: [lmi] Converting...to svn? [Was: Savannah status]
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2009 03:03:04 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)

On 2009-06-08 16:01Z, Greg Chicares wrote:
>  - I have to upgrade US systems to install subversion, and
>      Cygwin's 'setup' facility has proved to be quite brittle

Just one example of brittleness:

And the Cygwin installation procedure here:
needed this change:
but adding a command-line argument poses a formidable hurdle [0]
for msw users. I think it's better just to list the relatively
few packages we need, and revise the instructions to indicate
how to select them (with mouse clicks).

Here's a set that's slightly larger than sufficient to run
the 'install_msw.sh' script today:
  cvs        [soon we'll switch to svn, and drop this]
  doxygen    [someday the script will use it]
  gdb        [so we can ask for bt when a crash is reported]
  openssh    [required for developer access to savannah]
  zsh        [so much handier than bash]

Separately I'll document a tidy procedure for updating our ftp
area on savannah, where a new 'setup.ini' can now be found.
It's hard to test because it may take days to propagate to the
mirrors, and the canonical
doesn't seem to work in Cygwin's 'setup.exe'.

Here, for archival purposes, is the essential line from the
original 'setup.ini':

requires: autoconf2.5 automake automake1.10 automake1.4 automake1.5 automake1.6 
automake1.7 automake1.8 automake1.9 binutils boost boost-devel bzip2 cvs 
cygrunsrv cygutils diffutils doxygen gawk
gcc-core gcc-g++ gcc-mingw-core gcc-mingw-g++ gdb gettext less libboost 
libbz2-devel libbz2_1 libltdl3 libncurses-devel libncurses5 libncurses6 
libncurses7 libncurses8 libtool1.5 libxml2 libxml2-devel
libxslt m4 make mingw-bzip2 mingw-runtime ncurses openssh openssl patch 
pkg-config time w32api wget zsh

It'd be nicer to have this under version control, but that's
not the way Cygwin's 'setup.exe' works, AFAICT. BTW, the
original 'setup.ini' had this line:
  source: release/lmi/lmi-1.tar.bz2 0 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
whose meaning I've forgotten. I wonder whether it ever really
meant anything, because the apparent md5sum appears here, too:
in a context that seems different, and an accidental md5sum
collision would be unlikely...unless...
  touch eraseme
  md5sum eraseme
  d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e *eraseme
Heh. It's definitely meaningless. I guess the idea was that
someday there'd be a non-empty source tarball there.


[0] "adding a command-line argument poses a formidable hurdle"

OTOH, if we could specify everything we need on the command line,
that'd be okay. But the '-P' option described here:
isn't yet in the current production release.

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