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Re: [lmi] InputSequence questions

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: [lmi] InputSequence questions
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 16:06:24 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20100228)

On 2010-04-14 14:41Z, Vaclav Slavik wrote:
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1978132/seq_entry_demo-v3.7z
> Personally, I'd say that clear wording for everyone outweighs
> complicating completion.

Yes, absolutely. For instance, I did this:

  [12] from issue date            [until duration  ] [ 7], then
  [34] from duration 7            [until age       ] [50], then
  [56] from age 50                [until retirement]     , then
  [78] from retirement            [for # years     ] [10], then
  [90] from retirement + 10 years [until maturity]

That's all very clear. Every row (except the fourth) is something
that people might plausibly say in natural English (if they're
familiar with insurance jargon like 'duration').

In contemporary English, of course, we wouldn't say:
  I'll pay you dollars one thousand for number-of-years twenty
which scans like a google translation; but we can still understand:
  O sisters three, come, come to me, with hands as pale as milk;
  lay them in gore since you have shore with shears his thread of silk.
We might not recognize the allusion to the Μοῖραι, and I couldn't
remember the name of the one that cuts the thread (Άτροπος--of
course), but while "sisters three" may seem archaic, we should
have no doubt as to their cardinality.

We could consider this for the '# years' case, though:
- [78] from retirement            [for # years     ] [10], then
+ [78] from retirement            [for a period of ] [10] years, then
Do you like that?

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