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Re: font not found ?

From: Valeriy E. Ushakov
Subject: Re: font not found ?
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 12:10:17 +0400

On Wed, Apr 28, 1999 at 08:18:00AM +0200, Jan Remmers wrote:

> modifications (language, german texts for "proposition",...).

Once you change the language, all of the magic words lout uses (like
"proposition") comes in the specified language.  Thus once you
specified German as your @InitialLanguage the "proposition" will be
`Satz' automtically.

The option names for these keywords are really a bit confusing.  E.g.

  # @PropositionWord    { proposition           } # "Proposition" word, etc.

makes one think that this is the actual word used for "Proposition".
But the actual word used for "Foo" with @FooWord { foo } is the value
of "foo" in appropriate language (as defined in data/standard.ld) if
the option is not changed from its default.  If the option is changed,
the value of the option is used directly.

> I "@Include" this File at the beginning of my working-text ("root"),
> and this seems to work. But as soon as I do a little bit of structuring
> (meaning: more than just typing a title) I get the error message:
> lout file "root":
>       12,1, fatal error: initial font must have family, face and size

What's your initial font option?  It should look like

    @InitialFont { Times Base 12p }
    #             family face size

> I tried @InitialFont,... but could not get it right. Also I searched
> the documentation and my filesystem for the fonts, but I did not
> find them or some hint.

Lout knows fonts by `fontdef' command.  There's a file
`include/fontdefs' with fontdefs for standard Adobe fonts.

> I found a file could "init" in the lout directories and I suppose
> it has to do something with "lout -x", but this is a mystery to me too.

Yes, it's only used with -x initializing run.  It's only purpose is to
slurp in all the databases and langdefs so that lout builds indices
and packed hyphenation files.  You don't need this file as part of
your daily Lout diet.

> Can anybody help me?

Hope this helps.

SY, Uwe
address@hidden                         |       Zu Grunde kommen
http://www.ptc.spbu.ru/~uwe/            |       Ist zu Grunde gehen

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