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Re: Excessive memory usage

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: Re: Excessive memory usage
Date: 11 Apr 2002 22:22:38 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

>>>>> "JK" == Jeff Kingston <address@hidden> writes:

    JK> It reclaims the memory devoted to some part of the document when
    JK> it prints that part.


    JK> Are your several smaller tables separated by something like @LP
    JK> or @DP?  (Or in terms of Lout's primitives, a // operator)?

Yes, they are separated by @LLP.  When I process the document and let
the Postscript output go to stdout, I can see the output is produced
quite continually during the processing, not only at the end of it.  So
there must be some kind of memory leak somewhere.

You can try it yourself, the example document is very short when
gzipped, so I'm attaching it here.  Lout takes more than 60 MB of memory
at the end of its processing on my x86 machine running Debian GNU/Linux.

    JK> The only other thing I can suggest (and I've done it myself, not
    JK> because tables take a lot of memory, but because they're slow as
    JK> well) is to abandon @Tbl and generate simpler Lout, such as

Thank you for the tip, it works in an excellent way.  It might be even a
more suitable way of formatting the data than using @Tbl for my purpose,
but I'd still like to know what's the cause of the increasing memory
consumption with the example document.

Attachment: memory-consumer.lout.gz
Description: Binary data


Milan Zamazal

Free software is about freedom, not about free beer.  If you care only about
the latter, you'll end up with no freedom and no free beer.

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