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[Ltib] building my C/C++ application for FREESCALE m532xevb

From: giovanniangeli
Subject: [Ltib] building my C/C++ application for FREESCALE m532xevb
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2007 11:13:40 +0100 (CET)


1. I am starting using ltib-m532xevb-20061117 with M5329 board and I have not 
yet understood how I can use ltib to
compile-buid an application from my sources: do I have to build an RPM, if I 
want to use ltib?
Does someone has a hint about how to use the tools-chain, system libs, inclde 
fiels etc. from outside of ltib?

2. Many of the packages selectable in the ltib interactive menu produce build 
errors (libjpeg, for example) How can I
know which packages have been succesfully tested?

Giovanni Angeli

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