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Re: [Ltib] Which version of LTIB

From: Stuart Hughes
Subject: Re: [Ltib] Which version of LTIB
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 09:13:26 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080707)

Hi Svein,

LTIB is the tool, it's license is GPL, so that license is clear. Any parts of the LTIB tool you have in your BSP (spec, config and other files) can therefore clearly be copied into any other copy of LTIB.

The packages it builds have their own licenses. Savannah CVS gets it package content from the GPP, which is a collection of open-source content. However anyone may choose to use LTIB as a tool to create a BSP that references proprietary or restricted content and release this as an ISO image.

If you look a the list of packages you attached you can clearly see that some components are marked proprietary. These will not be available on the GPP.

It's possible that there are references to content from Savannah CVS that are not available on the GPP. For Freescale this is often a matter of timing, after review they will get uploaded. In some cases (with proprietary content) they may not be uploaded. So that means for those references you can't build that particular package. This is not common though.

There is an imx31 selection on Savannah. This was merged out last in March. If you run:
./ltib --preconfig config/platform/imx31ads/defconfig --dltest

You will get a list of each and every content file it needs for this default configuration. I tried this and everything from that instance is on the GPP. You can run a similar command for any other platform.

Regards, Stuart

Svein Seldal wrote:
Stuart Hughes wrote:
Hi Svein,

I try hard to keep later versions of LTIB compatible with older ones best I can. So the later version (Savannah) would be your best bet.

Savannah should contain everything in the BSP you have from Freescale with the exception of maybe some platform/kernel specific parts. What do you see in the Freescale version that is not in Savannah (which platform is it?).

We are targeting iMX31/35 PDK (3-stack). AFAICS there is no support for this in Savannah ltib (yet).

So far as the LTIB components are concerned (and anything GPL or with an OSS license) you may copy those and use them. If you identify these parts, I can get them into Savannah. However, if the Freescale BSP has references to package content they have not published on the GPP, you will need to check carefully what license those parts are under before copying them run: ./ltib -m listpkgseula. Again if GPL'ed they can be directly uploaded to the GPP.

I've attached the list of package eula's on the newest Freescale Linux BSP for the iMX31/35 (v1.5, L2.6.26_3.4.2_SDK_032009). I have not cross referenced it with what's already found in the bitshrine GPP. If there are any new updates, we could put updates in the GPP, can't we? According to the release note for the BSP it sais that everything in the BSP src is GPL or similar.

Please note: if you do decide to use the Freescale BSP as your baseline you will still need to honour any licensing conditions. Also I will not be able to support you, you would need to go to Freescale (I don't download their BSPs unless I really need to as they're big).

I'm a little bit uncertain what exactly is covered by the Freescale EULA in this respect. Anything related to GPL, like kernel patches and modules, patches of GPL sources has to be covered by GPL, so we can use them. And ltib is GPL, so there can be no properitary bits there, right? Spec files, can they be non-GPL'd? Does it make sense at all?

This is really confusing because the "distro" is based on ltib which is GPL. Yet packages may not be GPL. And you do need to honour the Freescale EULA - where I don't really know what limitations are set down...

(PS! I'm not asking for the Freescale specific support (I have Freescale for that). But I'm asking for the open source related issues toward ltib in respect of the Freescale BSP.)

- Svein

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