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Re: LYNX-DEV scrollok and lynx_force_repaint

From: Foteos Macrides
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV scrollok and lynx_force_repaint
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 20:41:52 -0500 (EST)

"John E. Davis" <address@hidden> wrote:
>On Thu, 06 Nov 1997 18:30:44 -0500 (EST), Foteos Macrides <address@hidden> 
>>      I tried to explain that to you that last time this came up,
>>and don't know I can do it more effectively now.  Slang does not
>>have full control of the screen in all environments, and the assumption
>>that it does unless something as foolish as you suggest is done perhaps
>>is why slang has no highly efficient way to deal with such situations.
>>On VMS, for example, one can have "unsolicited broadcasts", e.g., from
>>the phone utility, or mail utility, etc., with alerts sent to the screen
>>as they arrive.  Such broadcasts can be disabled at a user's discretion,
>>but many leave them enabled and expect programs to have a "wipe" command
>>(typcally ^W, which is a synonmym for ^L in Lynx).
>I understand this completely.  I just do not want the program (lynx)
>making the determination about when a screen contains garbage.  As I
>stated earlier, only the user can make that determination and press ^L
>to force a redraw.  The redraw should clear the screen and repaint it:
>    void redraw_screen ()
>    {
>       SLsmg_suspend_smg ();
>       SLsmg_resume_smg ();
>    }
>This will force SLANG to clear the screen and the redraw it.  However,
>I think that the only way this should get called is if the user
>presses Ctrl-L.

        That's exactly the situation I was discussing (^L == Ctrl-L
a.k.a, ^W == Ctrl-W, "wipe away the urgent, unsolicited screen
broadcast, that has been read and is now garbage").


 Foteos Macrides            Worcester Foundation for Biomedical Research
 address@hidden         222 Maple Avenue, Shrewsbury, MA 01545
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