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Re: [m17n-list] Questions about hi-itrans.mim

From: विश्वासो वासुकेयः / Vis hvas Vasuki
Subject: Re: [m17n-list] Questions about hi-itrans.mim
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2012 22:51:15 -0700

On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 9:03 PM, Kenichi Handa <address@hidden> wrote:
It seems that the current hi-itrans uses the key "." in
various ways, which results in the confusion of state
transition machine.

Please try the attached one by saving it undder ~/.m17n.d/.

Dear Dr Handa,

I am much delighted by your fix. It works very well!! Terminating sentences is now less worrisome for me.

I have added some modifications to the file you sent me, which would benefit a great many people in their typing. The most important additions to the mapping are:
1. [., to ॥  ]
2. [nk to ङ्क्] (<-- Several mappings of this type. The reasoning is that characters like ङ्क्  almost never appear in Indian languages written in devanAgarI. So, one can now simply type shankara and get शङ्कर rather than having to type sha~Nkara).
3. Common shortcuts inspired from the Harvard-Kyoto system, which I have seen used by many people, like: c to च्, z to श्, C to छ्, S to ष्. 

The motivating factor here is that the transliteration scheme should remain intuitive, and one should not need to type more characters than one needs to. The aforementioned changes do not violate the ITRANS convention.

I add two desiderata:
a] It would be great if one could specify a rule which says: For consonant characters followed by a space, new-line or daNDa-s, omit ्. For example, akSha would be अक्ष, while akSh would also be अक्ष - it would be currently rendered as अक्ष् - this is good for samskrit, but inconvenient for hindI, where words are oft pronounced without the terminal a sound. This would render the map useless for samskrit typing work (which I do a lot of), but that can be solved by retaining the current map as sa-itrans.mim.

b] I would request that sa-itrans.mim be created from the skeleton I sent, so that vedic svara marks can be added ().

I hope you will like the changes I suggest and include them in this very useful package.

Vishvas / विश्वासः

Attachment: hi-itrans.mim
Description: Binary data

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