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[Mldonkey-users] netbus/subseven traffic from mldonkey?

From: Robert
Subject: [Mldonkey-users] netbus/subseven traffic from mldonkey?
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 18:54:29 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.1) Gecko/20021003

I decided to give mldonkey a little spin recently, and being the paranoid type, was watching carefully for anything funny going on -- Caught some strange activity on the firewall and via netstat. Nothing in Ethereal, however -- I'm guessing because it never went out on the interface. Shame, I'd be curious to know what the transmission contained.

I got my binary from

I'm not a security expert.  Can anyone suitably explain this?

Relevant Output from netstat -a -p -t -c:

Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 1 MY-ADDRESS:35447 SYN_SENT 2307/mldonkey

Relevant Firewall Log Entries:

time:Nov 19 17:48:03 in: out:eth0 port:1234 source:MY-ADDRESS dest: len:44 tos:0x00 protocol:tcp service:subseven time:Nov 19 17:47:13 in: out:eth0 port:12345 source:MY-ADDRESS dest: len:44 tos:0x00 protocol:tcp service:netbus

You are in a twisty maze of passageways, all alike.

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