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Re: [Monotone-devel] resolving name conflicts; file suturing vs drop

From: William Uther
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] resolving name conflicts; file suturing vs drop
Date: Wed, 7 May 2008 11:05:35 +1000

On 07/05/2008, at 5:37 AM, Patrick Georgi wrote:

Am Tue, 6 May 2008 19:54:19 +0200
schrieb Thomas Moschny <address@hidden>:
The problem is, that the all deleted files will have to stay in the
rosters forever. This is not so much a problem storage-wise, because
Couldn't resurrection be done with a revision item like

resurrect "original path"
from [ancestor rev]
as "new path"
with "content hash"

Almost. The issue is merging. At the moment monotone keeps node-ids for files. These are unique to the file and are used for content merging. The name and location of the file are irrelevant. (In fact, the name and location for each node-id are treated as more bits of information that need to be merged.)

In your example above, are you creating a new node-id for the resurrected file, or not?

If you are, then you make the merge harder because you now have a bunch of node-ids referring to the same file and need to keep track of that somehow (maybe you could suture them together? :).

If you are re-using the old node-id, then you'll suddenly have revisions where the node-id doesn't exist, but exist again in children.

Imagine you're merging two revisions. In one revision the node id exists, and in the other it doesn't. Should the node appear in the merged child revision? In some cases it should and in some cases it shouldn't.

A good idea would be to keep a boolean around with a 'liveness' bit in it and use monotones excellent scalar merge algorithm, mark-merge, to merge that bit. Let the merge algorithm decide if the file is alive in the child.

But now you need to either a) keep this bit around for all previously used node-ids (a "graveyard"), or b) reconstruct the bit during the merge.

I don't actually think option b) is too hard. I discussed bits of this before, e.g. here:

and I started implementing.  But then I ran out of time.

Be well,

Will        :-}

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