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Re: [Myexperiment-discuss] Workflow fact sheet for OAI

From: Simon Coles
Subject: Re: [Myexperiment-discuss] Workflow fact sheet for OAI
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 11:40:38 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.4 (Windows/20050908)

OAI schema / profiles are a very difficult and messy area and take a long time to come to a community consensus. e-Bank has been working on a data schema for OAI for some time now. Please see

for our output on this. There should be high level overlap that will allow dissemination and discovery at a domain level.

If we are going to be talking workflows then maybe it would be useful to have an e-Bank - myExperiment meeting?


Jeremy wrote:
It would be good to cross-check these OAI entries for a workflow with those we have refined for the e-Bank data entries - for example the issues of granularity of the description, citations of the entries, etc. The source address is an interesting issue and relates to how the "effective workflow repository" is to be constructed - is this an institutional repository or a P2P sharing from researchers desktops, or a national repository? Jeremy

On 10 Apr 2007, at 17:23, Antoon Goderis wrote:

Following a discussion with Alan, here's a list of things to include
(require) for any OAI workflow entry. These would be the minimum amount of
information needed about a workflow we can derive from any workflow
definition; if the info is not included, users should be prompted for it.

- name
- author
- creation date
- textual description
- workflow language
- inputs/outputs (signature)
- constituting services working on upload, yes/no (necessary but not
sufficient condition for working workflow)

Here are some entries we weren't sure whether they should be made mandatory
for OAI entries

- descriptions of constituting services
- source of upload (IP address)
- repeatability of worklfow (yielding same results)
- tags
- ontology concepts

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Jeremy Frey
School of Chemistry
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ

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Simon Coles.
Manager, EPSRC National Crystallography Service.
School of Chemistry,
University of Southampton,
SO17 1BJ, UK
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