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Re: [Nel] NeLNS compilation problems

From: Cedric Valignat
Subject: Re: [Nel] NeLNS compilation problems
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 15:30:31 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

Hello Zane,

Zane wrote:
> Actually since Monday it's been compiling just fine.  I've always been
> compiling with stlport.  Here's my compile procedure (I run it from a
> script, it was the same Monday as it was Friday when it didn't work):
> bootstrap
> configure --with-stlport=/usr/src/STLPort-4.0 --with-freetype=/usr/include/f
> reetype2 --with-python=/usr/include/python-1.5
> make

It's just working fine on our computers and i can't find it could
come but from a wrong link PATH, so i have some stupid questions
for you (sorry for that) :

   - Is your '--with-nel' configure option properly set ?
   - Did you do, if it's necessary, a make install in NeL ?
   - Could you send us your script to compile NeLNS ?

I told you that they were stupids :-)

> I have a similar script for NeLNS that uses STLPort. (has the --with-stlport
> option).  If I recall correctly you MUST specifically tell it not to use
> STLPort.  Regardless, some change was made Monday or over the weekend that
> fixed my compiling problem.

You'r rigth, the default is to ask for the STLPort ortherwise you have to
set an option to overide that ...


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