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Re: [Nel] (HELP) VS7 linking problem with driver_dsound

From: Jeff Thompson
Subject: Re: [Nel] (HELP) VS7 linking problem with driver_dsound
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 17:13:46 -0600

Thanks again Ben,

I have some of nelns building now. I actually just looked in CVS and say that client were attic'ed.

I am now working on getting admin to compile, but am getting numerous unresolved symbols revolving around NLNET::CNetManager.

I've looked through the DLL's that have built using the vc7 project and only see three.

1) nel_drv_dsound_win_r.dll
2) nel_drv_opengl_win_r.dll
3) nel_memory_r.dll

I looked through these and none seem to export anything related to NLNET. I also looked at the net sub project and noticed that it (like several other projects) does not have a linker section under properties. Am I missing something here?

What is the list of DLL's that "should" be built? Also, what are their corresponding ".lib" files as they seem to be named differently than the DLLs.

Finally, it does not seem that any of the AI code is being built, or did I miss something here?

Thanks again for any help!

I should also mention that I am a professional Mac OS X developer (CodeTek focusses on Mac OS X software). I noticed that there is some effort going on to port to Mac OS X. Is there someone I should talk to about this? I would be interested in helping with this endeavor, but first I would like to immerse myself in the APIs and learn what's going on a bit better before I started helping implement core components that would allow things to work on Mac OS X.



Jeff Thompson
CTO, CodeTek Studios, Inc.

On Nov 20, 2003, at 7:23 AM, Ben Woodhead wrote:

Ahh, I have never tried building nelns (figured it was part of nel project). Sorry about that. I will generate the project files tonight and send in a patch as soon as I have one.
<x-tad-bigger>----- Original Message -----</x-tad-bigger>
<x-tad-bigger>From:</x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger> </x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger>Jeff Thompson</x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger> </x-tad-bigger>
<x-tad-bigger>To:</x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger> </x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger>Developer's list for the NeL platform</x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger> </x-tad-bigger>
<x-tad-bigger>Sent:</x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger>Wednesday, November 19, 2003 5:19 PM</x-tad-bigger>
<x-tad-bigger>Subject:</x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger>Re: [Nel] (HELP) VS7 linking problem with driver_dsound</x-tad-bigger>


Thank you very much for the help. I went through and rechecked my compilation of STLport. As it turns out I built a vc7 version, but with a vc6 compiler that was also on my machine. I rebuilt it correctly this time and now I am up and running.

I am now working on building the 'nelns' code base, but am having problems with login_service, where connection_client.cpp and connection_client.h are not found. They are listed in the project however. Have these files simply been removed and not removed from the project file?

Also I am seeing numerous mysql linking errors (unresolved external symbols), but am going to dig into that a bit more before asking for help. Just out of curiosity are the vc6 c++ compiler generated object files/libraries not compatible with vc7? (due to name mangling issues, or other problems?)

Thank you again for the help. Any thoughts on the connection_client issue would be appreciated and hopefully I'll knock out the mysql linking problem and get another chunk ready to go.



Jeff Thompson
CTO, CodeTek Studio, Inc.

On Nov 18, 2003, at 7:53 PM, Ben Woodhead wrote:

Did you recompile stl for vc7..
----- Original Message -----
From:Jeff Thompson
Sent:Tuesday, November 18, 2003 9:23 PM
Subject:[Nel] (HELP) VS7 linking problem with driver_dsound

Hi All,

I switched over to visual studio 7 in the hopes of having better luck over 6. I also switched to a new machine. I have everything compiling now except for driver_dsound and driver_opengl. The problem is similar. Essentially I am having a symbol resolution problem with STL. I have attached the compiler error log in the hopes that someone can point me in the right direction.



Jeff Thompson
CTO, CodeTek Studios, Inc.

------ Build started: Project: driver_dsound, Configuration: Release Win32 ------

Creating library .\../../../../obj/Release/driver_dsound/nel_drv_dsound_win_r.lib and object .\../../../../obj/Release/driver_dsound/nel_drv_dsound_win_r.exp
nlmisc_r.lib(command.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static int __cdecl _STL::__char_traits_base<char,int>::eof(void)" (address@hidden@address@hidden@@SAHXZ) referenced in function "bool __cdecl _STL::__stlp_string_fill(class _STL::basic_ostream<char,class _STL::char_traits<char> > &,class _STL::basic_streambuf<char,class _STL::char_traits<char> > *,unsigned int)" (address@hidden@@address@hidden@address@hidden@@@address@hidden@address@hidden@_STL@@@address@hidden@Z)
nlmisc_r.lib(system_info.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static int __cdecl _STL::__char_traits_base<char,int>::eof(void)" (address@hidden@address@hidden@@SAHXZ)
nlmisc_r.lib(displayer.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static int __cdecl _STL::__char_traits_base<char,int>::eof(void)" (address@hidden@address@hidden@@SAHXZ)
nlmisc_r.lib(mem_displayer.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static int __cdecl _STL::__char_traits_base<char,int>::eof(void)" (address@hidden@address@hidden@@SAHXZ)
../../../../lib/nel_drv_dsound_win_r.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

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