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Re: [Nmh-workers] forw

From: norm
Subject: Re: [Nmh-workers] forw
Date: Sun, 09 Oct 2016 14:15:01 -0700

Ken Hornstein <address@hidden> writes:
>>>1) You have asked to send someone all of the attachments from a particular
>>>message.  That functionality is not native to nmh, but it is possible
>>>to script it.
>>But what I don't understand is why isn't it?  In fact, why isn't that
>>an option to forw, or even its default?
>Well, geez Norm ... you've been around for approximately forever.  You
>of all people should know the history of (n)mh and MIME support.  Back
>when forw was written, MIME didn't exist.  forw -mime was added somewhere
>along the way to allow people to forward a message and maintain the
>MIME structure.  No one has yet written what you've asked for.

I don't recall when attachments first came into nmh, if I ever knew. But I
don't understand why the feature I talked about was not added to forw at that
time. Maybe it was because, for some reason I don't understand it is

    Norman Shapiro

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