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Re: [Openexr-devel] Compiling with gcc4.0.1 - compilation error andfix

From: Paul Miller
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] Compiling with gcc4.0.1 - compilation error andfix
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 09:09:01 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)

Florian Kainz wrote:
The proposed fix for exrmaketiled is harmless one way or the
other, and changing the code won't create a problem.  However,
I still maintain that there is a bug in gcc 4.0.1 that should
be reported.

Section 11.4, clause 2 (page 180) of ISO/IEC 14882 contains
two code examples.  Here's one of them:

    class X {
        enum { a = 100; }
        friend class Y;

    class Y {
        int v[X::a];            // OK, Y is a friend of X


Note that there is no forward declaration of Y before X.
Does gcc 4.0.1 give an error message for the example above?

This is a different situation than trying to reference Y in X. A friend declaration is different from a usage/containment declaration.

So, to put a pointer to Y in X, you would need to declare "class Y" above X:

class Y;

class X {
    class Y *y_ptr;


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