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Re: [Openvds-devel] Control Panels

From: Joe Cooper
Subject: Re: [Openvds-devel] Control Panels
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 15:12:18 -0600
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Marcos Rubinstein wrote:

I agree.. but I'm webmin "biased" ;)

seriously, besides many other considerations, one of the
advantages of webmin... is joes cooper's webmin manual. It
wouldn't be difficult at all to modify it some to adapt it
to Openvsd, besides that joe is on this list ;) (you can
check his manual named System Administration with Webmin at )

Thanks for the kind words Marcos. If my book does matter to folks in this dicussion, then it's worth mentioning that whenever either I or someone else /does/ make a proper OpenVDS Webmin module, it will be at the top of my list to document it. It may also be worth noting that the book will soon be published by No Starch Press (I'm not plugging it here, really! ;-)...and if an OpenVDS module gets into the book by the time of a later printing there will be a book covering OpenVDS, at least in one or two chapters.

That said, documentation can be written for any GUI for OpenVDS--it shouldn't be the deciding factor in what GUI framework, if any, is used...Also, integration with my book is something that will happen regardless of what the 'official' VDS administration GUI is (I've said it before, but I'll repeat myself--I'm going to have a Webmin panel for OpenVDS in 6 months, because I have to...Webmin is Swell's product interface, and we intend to remain consistent across the product lines). But, I certainly would prefer it if the official OpenVDS GUI is Webmin based, and I'll be more than happy to help with the module if it is. If it isn't based on Webmin, then I can't spend time on it...not because I don't want to help out where I can, but because the interface I need is Webmin based.

The decision on what the GUI looks like has to be made by the people doing the work. And since I'm not digging into a OpenVDS Webmin module this afternoon, I can't make the decision. I suspect whoever gets started first (and produces useful GUI tools) will be the winner in this argument. Generally, that is the right way for Open Source projects to develop--as Linus says, "show me the code". If it turns out that in a few weeks when I get started on a Webmin module (assuming someone else hasn't already done so) there is no good alternative, it might end up that the Webmin module does win the argument. Otherwise it will be relegated to secondary status--and that's fine.

I do agree that the "basic" openVsd should have a CLI. other
iadministrative interfeces should be developed in
"parallel" with the main project. I'm thinking in the lines
of emacs... Both the "main" projects and the admin
interfaces could be independent but closely related!

I agree also on this. It's obvious that the current console tools shouldn't be thrown away--and should be the 'real' interface to a VDS. There is a lot of solid work that has already gone into the protocol and interface. Those need to stay and be continually evolving and getting better. The graphical interface can be written in any lanuage and be wholly independent.

That's one of the big benefits of Webmin--it plays very nicely with text based configurations (assuming the module is designed correctly, that is).

Anyway, I feel guilty about barking out suggestions when I'm not the one writing the code right now, so I'll shut up and go back into lurker mode for a while until I am actually doing useful stuff.
Joe Cooper <address@hidden>
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