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Re: [Pan-users] A couple of .95 problems.

From: Charles Kerr
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] A couple of .95 problems.
Date: Tue, 2 May 2006 18:37:46 -0500 (CDT)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.6 [CVS]

> If I leave .95 running on the task bar for a couple of hours and restore
> it from minimized and click on a newsgroup, Pan disappears. Any deleted
> articles and such are not saved so when I reopen Pan all those headers
> are back. I've finally gotten around to starting Pan with gdb :)  so I
> can get a backtrace if there's any.

Sounds good.  I can't fix it if I don't know where it's crashing.

> Second problem that just cropped up today. I can't save any binaries.
> When I go to save the dialog box pops up asking where to save the
> attachment and Pan goes through the motions of saving, however, when all
> is said and done nothing is there. I'm still trying to troubleshoot that
> one but not getting anywhere with it. I'll post back more if I can
> figure out anymore.

Some steps that might be helpful:
1. rm ~/.pan2/article-cache/* before running
2. just run a single multipart download
3. did the multipart decode correctly?
4. look at the files in ~/.pan2/article-cache/. are there
   as many files as parts in the multipart?
5. do the Message-Id header in the files match the filename?
6. are any of the files empty?
7. start Pan back up and re-run the decode, which, since the
   cache holds all the pieces, you shouldn't even need to go online for.
   Does it work?
8. If you've got all the pieces but it still doesn't work, congratulations,
   you've got a perfect test case.  tar.bz2 the article-cache directory
   and mail me offlist a URL where I can find it. :)


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