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Re: [Pan-users] Re: A couple of .95 problems.

From: Charles Kerr
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Re: A couple of .95 problems.
Date: Fri, 5 May 2006 02:48:14 -0500 (CDT)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.6 [CVS]

> Duncan wrote:
>> Talking about which, how does the caching work in 0.9x (second time I've
>> asked)? I don't see a size preference.
> Here's how I changed the cache size.
> gui/ line 186
> ArticleCache cache (cache_path,100); // replace 100 with the max size in
> MB.  the default is 10.
> Now I just have to remember to do this for each new tarball.

I can put in a preferences line to let you change this, but let me
ask a naive question -- why do you want to?  Since Pan won't expire
any article that a task's got a reference to, the queue can grow far
larger than the preferred maximum so long as the task exists.
You could, for example, download a dvd iso without having to
increase the cache size past 10M.


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