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[Pan-users] Re: Couple more bugs (0.96): group list update and window cl

From: Duncan
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: Couple more bugs (0.96): group list update and window class
Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 10:13:40 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: pan 0.96 (Afghanistan Banana stand.)

Carl Hudkins <address@hidden> posted
address@hidden, excerpted below, on  Wed, 10 May 2006
20:24:27 -0400:

>       I don't have PAN here to test, but I have used that particular feature 
> of 
> Kwin before.  I know it's more in-depth, but on the "Window Extras" tab of 
> the same dialog in which you'd configure the maximized setting, you can set 
> it to match on window title if you change that one from its default of 
> "Unimportant."  There are different matches, from exact to regex, that you 
> can use if you have to get picky!

The trouble is that I can't get it to match title effectively. 
Apparently, the main window starts with something other than Pan as the
title to begin with, and by the time it has adjusted, kwin has already
locked on it and decided what size to make it, as it doesn't match. 
Further complicating things is that the window title includes the group
and post titles when they are selected, so it's always changing, and the
fact that I the tasks window says Pan as well (tho the posting window
doesn't), and the negative lookahead functionality doesn't seem to be
working, either -- I either get several of the windows, or none of them. 
The tasks window, posting window, and main window, are all three "normal
windows" too, in terms of type.  (Selecting "normal window" only /does/
eliminate the log window from the match, as it's dialog window, but not the
posting window, which is the most irritating.)

>       I agree, though, that it would probably be a good idea to set these 
> window 
> roles and such appropriately.  Few people are likely to notice, but it would 
> be friendly.

Absolutely.  Agreed that it'll affect only a relative few, and I'd not
bother posting it, except that if my admittedly non-C/C++ programmer guess
is correct, the fix should be trivial boilerplate, and will likely take
less time than our posts did.  =8^)  It'll need fixed at some point, and
if it's that trivial, might as well get it crossed off the list now,
rather than later, especially since it'll fix someone's problem with it.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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