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Re: [Pan-users] Attn Andrew, Steve - report on your versions of 0.140

From: Steve Davies
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Attn Andrew, Steve - report on your versions of 0.140
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 09:43:53 +0000

On Tue Dec 23 2014 at 19:28:17 Dick Baker <address@hidden> wrote:
OK, now that I've shown that I can send to the group via the
listserv, here's the note I've tried to send five times now:

Good news, but a bizarre new problem.



I would be interested to know whether the pan.exe that I sent prior to 216 has the same crash problem in it and if so, does going back to .215 help? That is not something I've ever encountered before and it seems odd that you can post the binary files ok without a crash. Perhaps it is the top-posting dialog that has some breakage in it...

It may be that my gmime 2.6.10 update is somehow broken, in which case I could just re build my build environment and update everything - A job which I probably ought to do regardless :)


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