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Fwd: Multiple Inputs xml files and multiple xsl files to

From: Alex Muir
Subject: Fwd: Multiple Inputs xml files and multiple xsl files to
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 17:13:36 +0000


I would like to create a GNU parallel command that takes multiple xml files and multiple xsl files and runs each xsl on each xml file.

In the past I have created the following which takes all the xml input and processes it however this used the same XSL files on each xml input

ls  $sourceDir*.xml |  parallel -j+$NumberExtraJobsPerServer --eta --progress --sshlogin $servers --timeout $timeout --joblog $jobLog "sh /mnt/schematron/scripts/ /mnt/schematron/xpl/rss.xpl $documentSpecficLogs{/.}Log.txt {}"

I see that the command in the documentation is essentially doing a part of what I want in that it is getting all combinations of these however I don't know how to do that with multiple file sources
  parallel echo ::: A B C ::: D E F

Perhaps if the script being executed had another GNU parallel call inside it which was pulling in as it's source the XSL files so that the first GNU process accepts the XML files as inputs and starts process for each of those files executing another gnu process with the XSL files as input.

Let me know your thoughts

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