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Re: Multiple Inputs xml files and multiple xsl files to

From: Ole Tange
Subject: Re: Multiple Inputs xml files and multiple xsl files to
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 20:02:51 +0100

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 6:05 PM, Alex Muir <> wrote:

> I would like to create a GNU parallel command that takes multiple xml files
> and multiple xsl files and runs each xsl on each xml file.

Did you go through the tutorial:

  man parallel_tutorial

> In the past I have created the following which takes all the xml input and
> processes it however this used the same XSL files on each xml input
> ls  $sourceDir*.xml |  parallel -j+$NumberExtraJobsPerServer --eta
> --progress --sshlogin $servers --timeout $timeout --joblog $jobLog "sh
> /mnt/schematron/scripts/ /mnt/schematron/xpl/rss.xpl
> $documentSpecficLogs{/.}Log.txt {}"
> I see that the command in the documentation is essentially doing a part of
> what I want in that it is getting all combinations of these however I don't
> know how to do that with multiple file sources
>   parallel echo ::: A B C ::: D E F

You simply add a :

    parallel echo :::: file1 file2

I do not know Calabash, but your are probably looking for something
along the lines of:

    PARALLEL="-j+$NumberExtraJobsPerServer --bar --sshlogin $servers
--timeout $timeout --joblog $jobLog" \
      parallel "sh /mnt/schematron/scripts/ {2}
$documentSpecficLogs{1/.}Log.txt {1}" ::: $sourceDir*.xml :::

If the tutorial does not help you, please show 4 the commands that you
want run given 2 xml-files and 2 xsl-files.


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