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[pdf-devel] pdf_functions, patch

From: Hardy Falk
Subject: [pdf-devel] pdf_functions, patch
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2007 19:54:20 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

I'm ready to prepare a patch to libgnupdf with cvs diff -up. 
The patchfile showed some of my modifications to pdf_obj.c:

pdf_dealloc_obj() does not handle stream objects.
pdf_stream_dup() and pdf_create_stream duplicate the dictionary  
but it is never freed.

Proposed modification:
do not pdf_obj_dup() the dictionary,
but destroy it in pdf_destroy_obj.
Please check or tell me where I misread the code.

One additional question:
How can I add files in my patch?

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