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[Phpgroupware-developers] Bookamrks not public.

From: julien tayon
Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] Bookamrks not public.
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 02:21:14 +0200

2 points : 
I would like to know if what I did to solve two problems was a dirty
hack :
1st removing warning at execution
2nd making public bookmarks visible by everyone.

1st. in activing the debug level at 7 in php, I had warning about object
 bookmark does not exist. I identify the problem coming from the
set_standard function in the object bookmark defined in
I was quit surprised to see a reference to

 'VERSION'           => bookmarks->version,
 for instance where everywhere else it was 

since it was making warning I discovered that making the following
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->bookmarks = createobject('bookmarks.bookmarks');
and using 

$GLOBALS['phpgw']->bookmarks instead of bookmarks would solve the

Can someone help me understanding this point ?

2nd I discovered that if in plist I modified the grant subroutine in the
print_list in inc/  from 

                        $filtermethod .= " OR (bm_access='public' AND
bm_owner in(" . implode(',',$public_user_list) . ')))';

                        $filtermethod .= " OR (bm_access='public' ))";
I could finaly share the bookmarks. 

The stuff that puzzles me is there seems to be a grant subroutine in
every class that redo the same jobs (looks like cut'n paste object
methods for programming ;) like in tree.php.
And Third point I don't understand why tree.php is not defined like
plist as an object in in/class.tree.php

Since php and phpgroupware design pattern are new to me, could someone
explain what I missed? 


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