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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Licence Break

From: Dan Kuykendall
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Licence Break
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 09:35:58 -0700
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Alex Borges (lex) wrote:
I saw the page and yeah.... theyve renamed the product Interage
Groupware. This breaks international copyright laws, we dont know if it
would break the GPL. Ill check with some brasilean users as to what
organisms akin to the FSF exist in Brasil.

Why is this a copyright violation? The code is not tied to the name 'phpGroupWare'.

We need to find out if they are providing a hsoting service branded
Interage Groupware or if they are actually calling the project
that...this would be blatant copyright violation.

No it wouldnt. They can call the project/product anything they want. Same as axisgroupware has done.


El lun, 30-09-2002 a las 08:44, Jean Everson Martina escribió:

Hi All,

        I don't know if this the right place to post, but I've found here in 
brazil one
company using phpgroupware, as one of their products, without mentionig anything
about the phpgroupware project. I think this is against the phpgroupware's GPL

plese take a look:


|                      Jean Everson Martina                       |
|              Bacharel em Ciências da Computação                 |     
|          Linux Professional Institute Certified - Level 1       |
|        Membro do Laboratório de Segurança em Computação         |     
|              Athom Consulting Ltda - Diretor Tecnico            |
|              Faixa Preta 1o. Dan - Karate Shotokan              |
|       Home-Pages:           |
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|      NickName: ViRaK - UIN : 1743212 - Linux User #76191        |

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