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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Philipp Kamps

From: Brian Johnson
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Philipp Kamps
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 15:32:07 +0000

>From the web page:
>In phpGroupware, an object can currently only be assigned to one single 
i.e. an object cannot be present in several folders

This is not true!  Check addressbook and a few other apps (the new timetrack 
allow projects to be assigned to multiple categories)

It sounds as though the folders you are talking about IS the category system, 
are just writing an app that displays all of the records from every app that 
categories and groups them according to those categories.

Yowser, that's gonna be a pile of work .. good luck

A quick question .. is there sufficient demand to justify the work to create 
way to view records?

Philipp Kamps (address@hidden) wrote:
>my name is Philipp Kamps and I started working
>for probusiness at 16 April. As a software
>developer I am involved to the phpGroupWare as
>well. In my studies at a German university I
>worked a lot with LDAP and web applications.
>For my diploma thesis I developed a web front-end
>for LDAP (
>I hope I can share my skills with the
>phpGroupWare community and I would be happy to
>become a part of it.
>Additionally I want to share an add-on we are
>developing for the phpGroupWare. The corresponding
>concept paper can be found at:
>This document describes the use of folders, called
>"Categories" in phpGroupware, and the feasible
>customization. The folders are organized and could
>be represented in a tree structure. In scope is a
>visualisation of this tree structure. It allows an
>alternative navigation to the list of applications
>and a direct administration of the folders.
>To get an idea of this add-on we uploaded a screen-
>shot to our web server:
>Best regards,
>Telefon    05 11 / 6 00 66 - 333
>Telefax    05 11 / 6 00 66 - 355
>E-Mail     address@hidden
>Phpgroupware-developers mailing list

Brian Johnson
* This is where my witty signature line would be if I bothered to edit this 
line :) *

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