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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] integration addbook-accounts

From: Jonathan Rivera
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] integration addbook-accounts
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 13:36:05 -0500 (CDT)

Brian Johnson said:
> Response is brief due to time constraints:
> Jonathan Rivera (address@hidden) wrote:
>>Hi guys,
>>i send the db diagram which skwashd and i discussed, here an
>> explanation.
>>This based on the dcl schema, as you can see the tables are the same,
>> but we add 4 tables (contacts_comm, contacts_comm_descr,
>> contacts_comm_type, contact_types) for managment of others
>> communications medias.
> Could you explain this more please?

ok, i explanin on skwashd words:

contacts comm stores all communication info (except snail mail)
then it has a descr_id field which is linked to a type
so then we can have the contacts class handling sending to those
via a send method ... which uses other classes
ie ... jabber ... sms etc
oh and of couse email

>>In this picture
>> ( you can see
>> the db diagram.
> What's an org_alias?
> phpgw_org_contact should have a sequential index (an "id" field) in
> order to allow n -to-n links between orgs and contacts (individuals)

in the mdean model this is a composed key, but if you consider is better
have a secuential index i don't see any problem.

> None of the "type" tables are diagramed and should be

yes i forget draw this, but i already consider this.

> Don't forget categories for both contacts and orgs

oh, yes, i will draw this on next diagram

> mdean and I discussed adding a "others" table and an "others_type" table
> to pick up methods of contact other than phone, email, etc.  They should
> be added to the diagram.

this is not like that skwashd proposed??

>>additionaly i explain my idea about control contacts for each user
>> system:
>>phpgw_addbook_entries: this table would be new, and this allow us to
>> have a relation between one system user and all his contacts in
>> addressbook.
> Could you explain this a bit more?
> Since you can query phpgw_contact by the created_by field, I assume this
> is so you can have multiple users own the same contact record.  I don't
> understand the need for such a system
> If you do need this, shouldn't it also link to phpgw_org?

i think use this for something as :

usersystem    contact_id
1               2
1               4
1               9
1              10
2               3
2               7
2               9
3               4
3               5
3               8
3              10

so, i think use this for make groups and share contacts between users,
really i don't know if this is useful, actually i think more about this,
any commentary or suggestion are welcome.

>>i think use the new table (phpgw_addbook_entries) for control entries
>> of each system user and make groups for use in calendar and email ap.
>> the problem that lex see is that this violates the acl mechanism.
> I think you're going in the right direction, just needs some slight
> adjustments

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