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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] i++ versus ++i

From: Joseph Engo
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] i++ versus ++i
Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 17:21:54 -0500
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Very intresting ... I will make a note of using preincrements from now
on.  I don't think we should change all the code for it, but if you
see something
in a section of code you are working on, might as well go ahead and
change it.

Chris Weiss wrote:

| So I did a benchmark, 100 iteration of 100,000 increments and
averaged them.
| The pre-increment is .004 seconds faster on average on P4 2.24Ghz
using php
| 4.3.1 CLI that comes with Mandrake 9.1.
| So there's about a 40 nanosecond difference between the two with
| ++$i
| faster.
| You might also be interested to know that if I didn't preload $i to
100000 in
| a loop first it adds .003 seconds to the first loop.
| Chris Weiss (address@hidden) wrote:
|> "echo
|> is marginally faster since it doesn't set a return value if you
|> really want to get down to the nitty gritty."
|> I don't see any mention of speed difference in
|>  If there are
really found to
|> be the data should be posted there.  It's quite possible though
|> that
will be
|> no difference.  Where is compiled the temp var is needed, but
|> sine
php is
|> interpreted it's possible that internanly there is a temp var in
both cases.
|> Joseph Engo (address@hidden) wrote:

| Well, first off that page is for C++.  I am not sure if the same
| applys to PHP or not.  It would be interesting to research.
| This is the first I am hearing about echo vs print.  Honestly, what
|  are the differences if any ?  I have personally used echo since I
| started in PHP.  Why ?  I don't know, I guess to be different from
| the other languages I use.
| Joseph Engo
| Chris Weiss wrote:
| |noted.  IMO not worth chnaging old code unless you're redoing that
| area |anyway.  It's very a minimal cost (kind of like echo vs
| print) and changing it |any places where it's used inline will
| intruduce bugs. | |Kai Hofmann (address@hidden) wrote: |
| |>Just for info, why it is better to use ++$i instead of $i++ |>
| |>source: |> |>Preincrement is more
| efficient than postincrement, because for postincrement |>the
| object must increment itself and then return a temporary containing
| its |>old value. Note that this is true even for builtins like int!
|  |> |>[Guideline] Prefer preincrement, avoid postincrement. |> |>
| |> |>Have a happy weekend. |> |>  Kai/PowerStat |> |>-- |>*****
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