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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Exports

From: Alan Langford
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Exports
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 17:14:37 -0500

If you can't just get what you want with queries and exports with phpMyAdmin, I would think that the next easiest thing to do would be to write a small PHP script that pulled the data from the table and wrote it in a form that can be imported by Groupduh (sorry, that's my old pet name for the product you're migrating to; never liked it much).

Although I'm not (yet) an active contributor here, I doubt you'll see this as a feature of the product anytime soon -- the focus is on adding new capability.

At 2005 03 17 12:47, Bob Crandell wrote:

Unfortunately (fortunately?) our company has out grown phpGroupware.  We are
moving to Groupwise.  We have years worth of Calander, Notes and Addresses we
can't loose.  Addresses and Notes are easy to get, however, it would be nice
if there were an export to PDA option for Notes like Addresses have.  The
biggest issue is getting the Calendar events out.  How do we?  How long would
it take to get this export option into CVS?

Thanks guys and I'm still pulling for you.

Bob Crandell, CLS, CNS
Assured Computing, Inc.
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