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RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] Communication ... again (was PHPDoc s for

From: Dave Hall
Subject: RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] Communication ... again (was PHPDoc s for head)
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 20:44:28 +1000

On Wed, 2005-04-20 at 11:12 +0200, Mailings - Christian Boettger wrote:
>  G'day!
> > From: Dave Hall [mailto:address@hidden 
> > That's probably because I don't trust Kai.  Kai has a habit 
> And he seems not to trust you in turn. How do we get out of this circle?
> > Kai (and atm others at probiz) have a habit of running their 
> > own races.
> Just like you perhaps? Or like anybody else from time to time?
> In the end, Kai's fixes do help the project.
> Calm down, both of you.
> > If the project was pbGroupWare that would be fine, we would 
> > have to live with it.  It isn't pbGroupWare, the project will 
> > never be pbGroupWare, so you need to work as part of the 
> > team, not run your own race.
> OK; if you want probusines to fork out: just say so. Perhaps they consider
> it. I would hate it. But:  
> I'm not setting any probusiness policies with regards to phpGW any more.

I am not saying fork, I am saying the project is bigger than probiz and
address@hidden need to not act like this is a probiz project.  Probiz is
just one group of devs within the project, there are many others both
individual and companies.

> It would bring phpGW up into the top list of projects bringing devs to
> fork...

No phpNuke (and derivatives) still top that list by a long way :P

Shall we add the recent egw fork to that list too ;)

> > I think a public discussion about the setup changes fips is 
> > proposing should also be on this list, not via phone calls 
> > and private email.
> You are mixing two things here. Obviously fips should have
> announced/discussed his changes before committing.

No I am not.  It is more than before committing.  If it is just before
committing then we end up with problems like Kai's MaxDB patch.  

The object factory change should have been discussed before being
committed.  btw I would suggest that no one relies on the feature until
it is resolved.

If there is no discussion then something may not be appropriate and the
time is wasted.

> > It has been less than a week since I posted about the need 
> > for communication on this list.
> ... and Kai is the scapegoat now?

No, but Kai's actions are good example of what not to do.  I am happy to
admit that Kai's post about the phpdocs was a good approach, not
perfect, but a good improvement.  His approach to php -l was poor imho.

> > Either work (and communicate) as part of the team, not your 
> > own little faction that thinks they can do what ever they want.
> It is not *MY* "fraction". People still have their own will, even if working
> for a company. 
> AFAIK both fips and powerstat have prepared and submittet their changes in
> their spare time, independent of the copmpany (correct me if I'm wrong). If
> that should be important.  

I am happy to accept that the actions appear to be similar, but the
employer was the same.

> And now: let's get back to work, shall we?

I haven't read /. for 24hrs+ so no time lost ;)


Dave Hall (aka skwashd)
API Coordinator
Do you think if Bill Gates got laid in high school, do you think there'd 
be a Microsoft?  Of course not.
Underwear Goes Inside The Pants by Lazy Boy

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