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[phpGroupWare-developers] Google Summer of Code

From: Dave Hall
Subject: [phpGroupWare-developers] Google Summer of Code
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 22:42:09 +1100

Hi all,

As you may already be aware Google's Summer of Code program is on again
this year.

Unless there are serious objections, I plan to use my "any way I can"
approach to getting slot/s.

If you have ideas for our ideas list, post them here or blog about them
and post a link here.  I need to fix an issue or 2 with the website in
the next day or so, then I will start adding the ideas.

We should be aiming at attracting students with a range of experience
and skills.  This is an opportunity to attract new developers to the

The ideas should be for generic API functionality which is useful across
modules or a new feature for a module which should be attractive to a
broad section of our user base.  

So start thinking and suggesting :)


Dave Hall (aka skwashd)
API Coordinator
e address@hidden
j address@hidden
sip address@hidden
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|_|         |_|                         |_|Web based collaboration platform

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