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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] New logo trial

From: Dave Hall
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] New logo trial
Date: Tue, 06 May 2008 05:13:38 +1000

On Mon, 2008-05-05 at 16:40 +0200, christian bac wrote:
> Le lundi 05 mai 2008 à 02:24 +0200, Maât a écrit :
> > Chris Weiss a écrit :
> > > On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 12:22 PM, Maât <address@hidden>
> wrote:
> > >   
> > >> Hi all,
> > >>
> > >>  (i've also slightly changed the logo to colorize it a little bit
> but
> > >>  that's just a trial)

I have chatted with Pascal about this on IRC.  I think if we want to
change the logo we should have a proper design competition.  I like the
current logo, but I am not overly attached to it, but I do like it more
than Pascal's version.

> First I want to congratulate. This skeleton looks great for me. It will
> be a great start for people that need to write an application in
> phpgroupware or for people that need to work with an application.
> I think it's a good idea to have the tutorial first and then to review
> in deeper the concepts and their usage (template, acl ...).
> Do you accept some contributions ? I can propose things on phplib
> template.

I think it would be good if Pascal could check the ODF file into SVN.
People can then use tracked changes to propose edits.  The more
hands/eyes on this the better.

> I have some questions about the content.
> 1) Page 11: Why do you use a redirect that will make a callback to the
> server in the index.php.
> $GLOBALS['phpgw']->redirect_link('/index.php',array('menuaction'=>'tutorial0.tutorial0_ui.say_hello'));
> I would have created an object and then used the say hello method, that
> avoids creating a call to the web server ?
> example:
> $tut_obj = createObject('tutorial0.tutorial0_ui');
> $tut_obj->say_hello();

It does avoid a call to the webserver, but the index.php files are
deprecated in trunk.  The new menu system allows you to call the
menuaction directly.  In the past some modules have had a lot of code in
index.php which duplicated other ui code, this is something we should be
avoiding.  I think this can stay as it is.

> 2) page 16: why do you clone the template object?

You should only reference it.

> 3) page 18: why do you reference the database object?

This is right.

Both of these classes should be treated as singletons.  Only one
instance should exist.  If you need to clone the db or template objects
you are probably doing something wrong.

For example getting the name of a category belongs in business logic,
not storage, as the business logic layer's role is to combine data from
multiple places.

I am working through the current version of the document and will try to
post a detailed review shortly.  Keep up the good work.



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