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Re: Building 0.6.2 against Gtk+ 2.17.11

From: Matěj Cepl
Subject: Re: Building 0.6.2 against Gtk+ 2.17.11
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 11:53:55 +0200
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Dne 17.9.2009 21:55, John Darrington napsal(a):
It's what other releases of 0.6 have done and nobody has complained about it.
So it's good enough for me.
Sure, I don't complain that much (well, I have no use for PSPP myself, so I have no direct user experience with it), just this behavior doesn't look correct to me, so I was afraid we could have some regression on our hands. If it isn't, then even better.


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