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Re: [Pyatcron-devel-list] Complete rewrite of the mainwin module

From: Xavier Nicolovici
Subject: Re: [Pyatcron-devel-list] Complete rewrite of the mainwin module
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 08:49:07 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 (Windows/20040207)

Hmmm, seems that Outlook Web Acces is really wrong at sending attachements. Sorry for this "winmail.dat" attachement.

Here is attached the patch, in a right format.



NICOLOVICI Xavier wrote:
Hi everyone,

I've mostly completly rewritten the module to use our new ScheduleListStore object.
Quickly, major changes are:

- ScheduleList class and lib.schedulelist module not needed anymore, should be removed from CVS
- lib.mainwin module code is now lighter, no more sync stuff between ScehduleList and TreeView

What's next on GUI:
- Adapt create task and edit task properties code
- Limit the create task action to creating command line Task

What's next on core system:
- Code the saving method of the ScheduleListStore and link it to the mainmenu_save event

When this will be done, I think that we might be ready to release a 0.1 release. What do u think guys?

Please let me know on what you would like to work before I start doing something.

You'll find attached a patch for those changes, build against the latest CVS tree.



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_______________________________________________ Pyatcron-devel-list mailing list address@hidden

Index: src/lib/
RCS file: /cvsroot/pyatcron/pyatcron/src/lib/,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4
--- src/lib/      27 Apr 2004 14:56:25 -0000      1.4
+++ src/lib/      28 Apr 2004 16:19:33 -0000
@@ -1,7 +1,55 @@
 from gtk import * 
+import gobject
+from parser import *
+from syntacticengine import *
 from config import GLADE_FILE_PATH
+class ScheduleListStore(gtk.ListStore):
+    def __init__(self,activeColor,inactiveColor):
+        # Call parent constructor with column defintions
+        gtk.ListStore.__init__(self,
+                               gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,
+                               gobject.TYPE_STRING,
+                               gobject.TYPE_STRING,
+                               gobject.TYPE_STRING)
+        # store active and inactive colors as internal fields
+        self.activeColor = activeColor
+        self.inactiveColor = inactiveColor
+        # Foreach system scheduled job, add them to ourself (ListStore)
+        for entry in CronEntryParser().getEntryList():
+            self.addScheduler(entry)
+        for entry in AtEntryParser().getEntryList():
+            self.addScheduler(entry)
+        for entry in PyAtCronEntryParser().getEntryList():
+            self.addScheduler(entry)
+        return
+    def addScheduler(self,scheduler):
+        # Start a syntactic engine
+        syntactic = SyntacticEngine(scheduler)
+        # get an GtkIter object on a new row at top of list
+        iter = self.prepend(None)
+        # set values to this new row
+        if(scheduler.isActive()):
+            color = self.activeColor
+        else:
+            color = self.inactiveColor
+        self.set(iter,0,scheduler,
+                 1,syntactic.getSchedulerName(),
+                 2,syntactic.getNextRunString(),
+                 3,color)
+    def saveSchedulers(self):
+        print "ScheduleListStore::saveSchedulers: NOT IMPLEMENTED"
+        return
 class SchedulerEditor:
Index: src/lib/
RCS file: /cvsroot/pyatcron/pyatcron/src/lib/,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8
--- src/lib/  28 Apr 2004 08:09:02 -0000      1.8
+++ src/lib/  28 Apr 2004 16:19:33 -0000
@@ -4,26 +4,20 @@
 import datetime
 import time
-from lib.schedulelist import ScheduleList
-from syntacticengine import SyntacticEngine
-from lib.gui import SchedulerEditor
+from gui import *
+from newtask import NewTask
+from about import About
 # import glade path from config module
 from config import GLADE_FILE_PATH
-from newtask import NewTask
-from about import About
 # The main window's class.
 class MainWin:
     def __init__ (self):
         # The index of the task currently highlighted (if any).
         self.taskIndex = None
-        # Get the list of schedulers
-        self.scheduleList = ScheduleList ()
         # The GtkTreePath of the last highlighted inactive task.
         # It's used to switch between the inactive/highlighted colors
@@ -31,67 +25,53 @@
         self.lastPath = None
         # We load the widgets and the callbacks from the glade file.
-        self.widgetTree = (GLADE_FILE_PATH +
-                         "/")
+        self.widgetTree = (GLADE_FILE_PATH + "/")
-       dict = {}
-       for key in dir(self.__class__):
-           dict[key] = getattr(self, key)
-        self.widgetTree.signal_autoconnect (dict)
-        # When the selection changes, we call self.on_selection_changed().
-        # This can't be handled directly by glade if not by using
-        # the on_cursor_changed callback, which doesn't work well.
-        self.widgetTree.get_widget 
("tasklist").get_selection().connect("changed", self.on_selection_changed)
         # It's the base widget. = self.widgetTree.get_widget ("mainwin")
-        # This is used to get the "highlighted" color from the GTK
-        # theme.
-        self.highlightedColor = self.getThemeColor (3)
-        # This is used to get the "insensitive" color from the GTK
-        # theme.
-        self.insensitiveColor = self.getThemeColor (4)
-        # This is used to get the main background color from the GTK
-        #theme.
-        self.backgroundColor = self.getThemeColor (8)
-        # We build the task list.
-        self.updateTaskList ()
-        # We get the current highlighted task's index.
-        self.updateCurrentTask ()
-    # Gets the colors from the GTK theme
-    def getThemeColor (self, num):
-        if (num < 5):
-            redhex = hex ( ().fg [num].red)
-        else:
-            redhex = hex ( ().bg [num - 5].red)
-        redsplit = redhex.split ('0x')
-        redstr = redsplit [1]
+        # Get normal and insensitive state color from Gtk theme
+        self.normalColor = self.getThemeColor(gtk.STATE_NORMAL)
+        self.insensitiveColor = self.getThemeColor(gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE)
+        # Initialize a ScheduleListStore object
+        self.listStore=ScheduleListStore(self.normalColor,
+                                         self.insensitiveColor)
-        if (num < 5):
-            greenhex = hex ( ().fg [num].green)
-        else:
-            greenhex = hex ( ().bg [num - 5].green)
-        greensplit = greenhex.split ('0x')
-        greenstr = greensplit [1]
+        # and set it as model of our main Gtk::TreeView
+        self.taskList = self.widgetTree.get_widget("tasklist")
+        self.taskList.set_model(self.listStore)
-        if (num < 5):
-            bluehex = hex ( ().fg [num].blue)
-        else:
-            bluehex = hex ( ().bg [num - 5].blue)
-        bluesplit = bluehex.split ('0x')
-        bluestr = bluesplit [1]
+        # Disable multiselect on TreeView
+        self.taskList.get_selection().set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_SINGLE)
-        color = "#" + redstr + greenstr + bluestr
-        return color
+        # initialize a cell renderer
+        renderer = CellRendererText()
+        # and finally set the visible column
+        column = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Task", renderer, text=1, foreground=3)
+        self.taskList.append_column(column)
+        column = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Next run", renderer, text=2, foreground=3)
+        self.taskList.append_column(column)
+        # autoconnect signals to callbacks
+       dict = {}
+       for key in dir(self.__class__):
+           dict[key] = getattr(self, key)
+        self.widgetTree.signal_autoconnect (dict)
+        # connect some specific signals
+        selection = self.taskList.get_selection()
+        selection.connect("changed",self.on_tasklist_selection_changed)
+        # update the GUI items
+        self.updateItemsSensitivity()
+    ###############################################
+    #                                             #
+    #            SIGNALS CALLBACKS                #
+    #                                             #
+    ###############################################
     def on_mainwin_delete_event (self, obj, event):
         self.quit ()
@@ -99,28 +79,12 @@
         self.quit ()
     def on_tasklist_button_press_event (self, obj, event):
-        # If the right-mouse button is pressed, get the current selection.
+        # If the right-mouse button is pressed, show popup menu
         if (event.button == 3):
-            taskList = self.widgetTree.get_widget ("tasklist")
-            iter = taskList.get_selection ().get_selected () [1]
-            # If there is a selection, check that the click occured inside the 
selected row.
-            if (iter != None ):
-                model = taskList.get_model () 
-                path = model.get_path (iter)
-                column = taskList.get_column (0)
-                cell_area = taskList.get_cell_area (path, column)
-                # If it's the case, setup and display the popup menu
-                if (event.y >= cell_area.y and event.y <= cell_area.y + 
-                    activable = model.get_value (iter, 1)
-                    self.widgetTree.get_widget 
("popup_properties").set_sensitive (1)
-                    self.widgetTree.get_widget 
("popup_activate").set_sensitive (activable)
-                    self.widgetTree.get_widget 
("popup_deactivate").set_sensitive (1 - activable)
-                    self.widgetTree.get_widget ("popup_delete").set_sensitive 
-                    self.widgetTree.get_widget ("popup").popup (None, None, 
None, event.button, event.time)
+            self.showPopupMenu(event)
+    def on_tasklist_selection_changed(self,obj):
+        self.updateItemsSensitivity()
     def on_mainmenu_save_activate (self, obj): ()
@@ -135,13 +99,13 @@
         self.editTask ()
     def on_mainmenu_activate_activate (self, obj):
-        self.activateTask ()
+        self.setSchedulerActiveStatus(True)
     def on_mainmenu_deactivate_activate (self, obj):
-        self.deactivateTask ()
+        self.setSchedulerActiveStatus(False)
     def on_mainmenu_delete_activate (self, obj):
-        self.confirmDeleteTask ()
+        self.deleteScheduler ()
     def on_mainmenu_about_activate (self, obj):
         self.about ()
@@ -150,13 +114,13 @@
         self.editTask ()
     def on_popup_activate_activate (self, obj):
-        self.activateTask ()
+        self.setSchedulerActiveStatus(True)
     def on_popup_deactivate_activate (self, obj):
-        self.deactivateTask ()
+        self.setSchedulerActiveStatus(False)
     def on_popup_delete_activate (self, obj):
-        self.confirmDeleteTask ()
+        self.deleteScheduler ()
     def on_toolbar_new_clicked (self, obj):
         self.createTask ()
@@ -165,37 +129,152 @@
         self.editTask ()
     def on_toolbar_activate_clicked (self, obj):
-        self.activateTask ()
+        self.setSchedulerActiveStatus(True)
     def on_toolbar_deactivate_clicked (self, obj):
-        self.deactivateTask ()
+        self.setSchedulerActiveStatus(False)
     def on_toolbar_delete_clicked (self, obj):
-        self.confirmDeleteTask ()
-    def on_tasklist_row_activated (self, obj, path, column):
-        self.editTask ()
-    def on_selection_changed (self, obj):
-        self.updateCurrentTask ()
+        self.deleteScheduler()
     def on_confirm_delete_response (self, obj, response):
         # If deletion is confirmed, delete the task.
         if (response == -8):
-            self.deleteTask ()
+            self.deleteScheduler(True)
         # Free the dialog.
         obj.destroy ()
+    ###############################################
+    #                                             #
+    #             CLASS METHODS                   #
+    #                                             #
+    ###############################################
+    # Gets the colors from the GTK theme
+    def getThemeColor (self, num):
+        if (num < 5):
+            redhex = hex ( ().fg [num].red)
+            greenhex = hex ( ().fg [num].green)
+            bluehex = hex ( ().fg [num].blue)
+        else:
+            redhex = hex ( ().bg [num - 5].red)
+            greenhex = hex ( ().bg [num - 5].green)
+            bluehex = hex ( ().bg [num - 5].blue)
+        redstr = redhex.split ('0x')[1]
+        greenstr = greenhex.split ('0x')[1]
+        bluestr = bluehex.split ('0x') [1]
+        return "#" + redstr + greenstr + bluestr
+    # Show a confirmation dialog before deleting the task.
+    def deleteScheduler (self,confirm = False):
+        if (confirm):
+            # deletion is confirmed, delete Scheduler
+            print "MainWin::deleteScheduler: NOT IMPLEMENTED"
+        else:
+            # Load a delete confirmation dialog window
+            xml = (GLADE_FILE_PATH + "/")
+            # autoconnect signals
+            dict = {}
+            for key in dir(self.__class__):
+                dict[key] = getattr(self, key)
+            xml.signal_autoconnect (dict)
+            # get the dialog window widget
+            confirm = xml.get_widget ("confirm_delete")
+            # Center the dialog on the main window.
+            confirm.set_transient_for (
+            confirm.set_position (gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT)
+            # Display the dialog.
+   ()
+        return
+    def showPopupMenu(self,event):
+        self.widgetTree.get_widget ("popup").popup (None, None, None,
+                                                    event.button, event.time)
+    def updateItemsSensitivity(self):
+        itemDict = {
+            "mainmenu_properties": 1,
+            "mainmenu_activate"  : 1,
+            "mainmenu_deactivate": 1,
+            "mainmenu_delete"    : 1,
+            "toolbar_new"        : 1,
+            "toolbar_properties" : 1,
+            "toolbar_activate"   : 1,
+            "toolbar_deactivate" : 1,
+            "toolbar_delete"     : 1,
+            "popup_properties"   : 1,
+            "popup_activate"     : 1,
+            "popup_deactivate"   : 1,
+            "popup_delete"       : 1
+            }
+        # get iter of selected row
+        model,iter = self.taskList.get_selection().get_selected()
+        # check if there is a selected row
+        if(not iter):
+            itemDict["mainmenu_properties"] = 0
+            itemDict["mainmenu_activate"]   = 0
+            itemDict["mainmenu_deactivate"] = 0
+            itemDict["mainmenu_delete"]     = 0
+            itemDict["toolbar_properties"] = 0
+            itemDict["toolbar_activate"]   = 0
+            itemDict["toolbar_deactivate"] = 0
+            itemDict["toolbar_delete"]     = 0
+        else:
+            # check if the selected Scheduler is active
+            # NOTE: Not implemented at the moment, active is alwas True
+            active = model.get_value(iter,0).isActive()
+            itemDict["mainmenu_activate"]   = not active
+            itemDict["mainmenu_deactivate"] = active
+            itemDict["toolbar_activate"]    = not active
+            itemDict["toolbar_deactivate"]  = active
+            itemDict["popup_activate"]      = not active
+            itemDict["popup_deactivate"]    = active
+        # set sensitivity on items
+        for key in itemDict:
+            self.widgetTree.get_widget(key).set_sensitive(itemDict[key])
+    # Set the active status of the selected Scheduler
+    def setSchedulerActiveStatus(self,status):
+        # get selected row
+        model,iter = self.taskList.get_selection().get_selected()
+        # do something only if there is a selected row
+        if(iter):
+            # set status to scheduler
+            model.get_value(iter,0).setActive(status)
+            # change color of text
+            if(status):
+                model.set_value(iter,3,self.normalColor)
+            else:
+                model.set_value(iter,3,self.insensitiveColor)
+        # update sensitivity of menu items
+        self.updateItemsSensitivity()
     # Writes the current configuration.
     def save (self):
-        print "TODO: save"
+        self.listStore.saveSchedulers()
     # Unreferences the main window's widgets, and exits.
     def quit (self): ()
         gtk.main_quit ()
+    # Launches the "about" dialog.
+    def about (self):
+        aboutObject = About (
     # Gets the current highlighted task's index.
     def updateCurrentTask (self):
         taskList = self.widgetTree.get_widget ("tasklist")
@@ -220,7 +299,7 @@
             # If the task is inactive, the "deactivate" icon toolbar is 
insensitive, the "activate" icon is sensitive and vice-versa.
             activable = model.get_value (iter, 1)
             self.widgetTree.get_widget ("toolbar_properties").set_sensitive (1)
             self.widgetTree.get_widget ("toolbar_activate").set_sensitive 
             self.widgetTree.get_widget ("toolbar_deactivate").set_sensitive (1 
- activable)
@@ -240,14 +319,16 @@
                 # We set the inactive task's color to "highlighted".
                 model.set_value (model.get_iter (path), 4, 
-    # Launches the new task assistant and refreshes the task list if a new 
task was created.
+    # Launches the new task assistant and refreshes the task list
+    # if a new task was created.
     def createTask (self):
         assistantObject = NewTask (self)
     def on_editor_changed(self, *args):
         print "Updating list (only the task, not the scheduler)"
         self.updateTaskList (True, True, False)
-    # Launches the properties dialog and refreshes the task list if changes 
were made.
+    # Launches the properties dialog and refreshes the task list if
+    # changes were made.
     def editTask (self):
         print "edit task #" + str (self.taskIndex)
         self.editor = SchedulerEditor(self.scheduleList[self.taskIndex])
@@ -255,45 +336,7 @@
         #self.updateTaskList ()
-    # Makes the current task active and refreshes the task list.
-    def activateTask (self):
-        self.scheduleList [self.taskIndex].setActive (1)
-        self.lastPath = None
-        self.updateTaskList ()
-    # Makes the current task inactive and refreshes the task list.
-    def deactivateTask (self):
-        self.scheduleList [self.taskIndex].setActive (0)
-        self.updateTaskList ()
-    # Show a confirmation dialog before deleting the task.
-    def confirmDeleteTask (self):
-        # Load the dialog.
-        xml = (GLADE_FILE_PATH +
-                     "/")
-       dict = {}
-       for key in dir(self.__class__):
-           dict[key] = getattr(self, key)
-        xml.signal_autoconnect (dict)
-        confirm = xml.get_widget ("confirm_delete")
-        # Center the dialog on the main window.
-        confirm.set_transient_for (
-        confirm.set_position (gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT)
-        # Display the dialog.
- ()
-    # Deletes the current task and refreshes the task list.
-    def deleteTask (self):
-        del(self.scheduleList[self.taskIndex])
-        self.updateTaskList ()
-    # Launches the "about" dialog.
-    def about (self):
-        aboutObject = About (
     # Builds or refreshes the task list.
     def updateTaskList (self, onlyCurrentTask = False, updateTask = True, 
updateScheduler = True):
Index: src/lib/
RCS file: /cvsroot/pyatcron/pyatcron/src/lib/,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8
--- src/lib/        27 Apr 2004 14:56:25 -0000      1.8
+++ src/lib/        28 Apr 2004 16:19:33 -0000
@@ -34,10 +34,12 @@
         return str(self.task)
     def setActive(self,value):
-        if value == 1:
-   = 1
+        if (value):
+   = True
+            print "Scheduler::setActive: active status set to True"
-   = 0
+   = False
+            print "Scheduler::setActive: active status set to False"
     def isActive(self):
Index: src/lib/
RCS file: /cvsroot/pyatcron/pyatcron/src/lib/,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2
--- src/lib/  15 Apr 2004 14:34:46 -0000      1.2
+++ src/lib/  28 Apr 2004 16:19:33 -0000
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
         self.scheduler = scheduler
+    def getSchedulerName(self):
+        return str(self.scheduler)
     def getNextRunString(self):
         # Determine when the task will occur next
         values = self.scheduler.getAttributes ()

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