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[Qexo-general] Re: Kava + Xerces

From: Joseph Coffland
Subject: [Qexo-general] Re: Kava + Xerces
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 15:20:03 -0500

Per Bothner,

I'll assign you copyright and trust that you will be fair.  I have
a new patch file with updated copyright notices for my original files.

> But an implementation of "validation"
This feature is not as easy as it seems.  The easy way is inefficient.
That is to dump the XML as text and reparse it.  I think I can get
Xerces to validate your TreeList format directly by creating my own
implementation of XMLDocumentScanner.  I have not tested this idea
yet.  Revalidation is an often asked feature, but not implemented
directly in Xerces.  If you build DOM 2.0 or greater
it can be automatically validated, but DOM carries a lot of overhead.

> the "scheme import feature",
What is this?

> type annotation *and* general XQuery run-time type checking is
> probably worth 5% of XQuery/XML-related licensing deals.  Completing
> static typing in addition is definitely worth 5%, though presumably
> you'd need a lot of my input/feedback.
I think XQParser needs a clean up first.
A > 3000 line Java class is pretty crazy IMO.  At the least I think
the Lexer and Parser should be separated.  I know you know this code
well, but for me it is a difficult sea to wade.

Basically, we need to implement the Schema datatype system.  I have
around.  SUN has released an implementation, but their license is not

There has been talk about making it possible to update documents in
I don't want to wait until they figure out how to standardize this.  I'm
thinking of writing some functions to do this.  Have you heard of
I wrote an implementation of this in Java a few years ago.
What I would like to do is translate XUpdate's syntax into XQuery
XUpdate has the following modification commands:


These would not be difficult to implement and in my experience they are 
sufficient.  Maybe we can even influence the XQuery standard.

  Joseph Coffland

Attachment: kawa-xerces-support.patch.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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