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Re: [RP] virtual screens

From: Doug Kearns
Subject: Re: [RP] virtual screens
Date: Thu Jun 6 06:22:02 2002
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 11:21:12AM +0200, Stefan Sandstrom wrote:
> Some time ago, I posted a pretty scrappy virtual screen patch to ratpoison.
> As I've found some time to work on it, it's time to post a new, hopefully
> somewhat less scrappy, patch.



Just a couple of comments.

I'd find it much more useful if windows could be associated with only
the single vscreen on which they were opened. I don't really see any
great advantage to vscreens as currently implemented, given that they
function in the same manner as frames and don't seem to allow window
grouping. They also lead to some relatively confusing nested frames and
window relocation issues. What am I missing, how do you use them?

It would also be nice if 'vscreen_rel' would wrap so that a 'vscreen_rel
1' in the last vscreen would go to vscreen 0, for example.

I like Gergely's additions.

Finally, a way to explicitly move windows between vscreens would be
nice. This is something that the MMM (Mike Meyer's Mega) patch takes
care of I think, if it hasn't vanished into the 'mists of time'.


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