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Re: [RP] virtual screens

From: Gergely Nagy
Subject: Re: [RP] virtual screens
Date: Thu Jun 6 09:30:04 2002
User-agent: Wanderlust/2.9.13 (Unchained Melody) Emacs/21.2 Mule/5.0 (SAKAKI)

> It would also be nice if 'vscreen_rel' would wrap so that a 'vscreen_rel
> 1' in the last vscreen would go to vscreen 0, for example.

If you apply the patch I just sent out, this is doable with a shell
script + some tricks.

I think of something like this:

#! /bin/sh

t=$(ratpoison -c vscreen)
t=${t# Virtual screen }

t=$(expr $(expr $t + $1) % 8)
ratpoison -c "vscreen $t"

And alias vscreen_rel to exec vscreen-cycle.sh

To be honest, vscreen_rel might better be outside of RP, since it is
rather trivial to implement it that way.

> Finally, a way to explicitly move windows between vscreens would be
> nice. This is something that the MMM (Mike Meyer's Mega) patch takes
> care of I think, if it hasn't vanished into the 'mists of time'.

/me is about to give those a whirl.

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