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[RP] For the wishlist: "unmanage" with wildcards or regexps

From: Axel Beckert
Subject: [RP] For the wishlist: "unmanage" with wildcards or regexps
Date: Sun, 18 May 2008 18:04:36 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13 (2006-08-11)


I used ratpoison then and when on some historic as well as modern low
end machines, but on the EeePC it has become my default window manager
and I therefore now use it in a full production environement. For
those who are curious how it looks, there's screenshot at:

Since I now use it quite heavily, I noticed some drawbacks
respectively features I miss:

+ Most annoying are audio players or image viewers which pack the name
  of the currently played or displayed file in the window title, e.g.
  xv and audacious. Both, xv and audacious are in my unmanaged window
  list since ratpoison shouldn't move (audacious) or resize (xv) them,
  but as soon as I load a file and it shows up in the title, their
  windows get managed and those application are ay less usable than

  So I would be happy if there would be one of the following features
  available in one of the next releases:

  - Wildcard or regexp support for the "unmanage" command.

  - Possibility to make windows unmanaged after they appeared, not
    only for new windows.

  Of course both features would be nice to have, but to solve my
  current problems one of them suffices. :-)

+ At least nice to have would be a possibility to distinguish between

  - unmanaged (not touched at all),

  - not to maximize (maybe resized to fit into a frame initially, but
    is never maximized and the size is never changed if the
    application changes it's window size itself -- would be useful for
    image viewer which resize themself for each new image), and

  - not changed, but managed (doesn't live in any frame, but can be
    managed with Ctrl-T useful for applications which have no WM
    handles by default anyay and move by their own means like e.g.
    XMMS, Audacious, Gimp, etc.) 

  Of course wildcard or regexp support would be cool there, too. :-)

+ Although I know that it is against ratpoisons main principle, I
  still think that a "focus follows mouse" option would be a nice
  feature. But since I found the clickframe.pl script I expect that
  saying "Jehova" here is less dangerous than I thought. ;-)

  OTOH this is less annoying on small screens where you split up the
  screen not very often. At least on the 800x480 (with the 26 pixels
  padding for the trayer even only 800x454) I use nearly exclusively
  all windows in fullscreen.

Ok, thanks for reading my wishlist so far and thanks for that (even
without those features ;-) really cool and pragmatic window manager.

                Regards, Axel
Axel Beckert - address@hidden, address@hidden - http://noone.org/abe/

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