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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Old versions of files with lots of RDiff-slices

From: Marcel (Felix) Giannelia
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Old versions of files with lots of RDiff-slices
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 19:41:25 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080726)

On 20/03/09 15:40, address@hidden wrote:
To get to the year old version, you take the current file, and apply
200 reverse diffs to get the old one?
(And if any of the 200 rdiffs fail, you're stuck...)
Probably stuck, but not necessarily -- rdiff is pretty tolerant about applying patches, and the original file doesn't have to match exactly. You'll very likely get a corrupted file if you miss a patch or two, but depending on what you're trying to recover and how important it is, you could probably piece it together. This is especially true in cases where rdiff-backup didn't detect a file move -- a .diff for a rotated log file will contain the whole file (or almost all of it). You can even apply such a patch to a 0-byte file and have a chance of getting something useful back.

Another case where rdiff might be able to iron out missing files is if you have a file where several diffs describe the same section of the file -- only the last diff is really needed then.

Also, for files that don't change very often there will be a lot fewer than 200 diffs, which lessens your chance of this happening.

If you want some kind of insurance against this, you can try storing a complete copy of your mirror periodically on cheaper media (thinking of DVD's) -- then you can use those as starting points for restores that go back a long way, and you can bypass any corruption in more recent diffs.

If you want to compact/consolidate your archive of the distant past and you have lots of temp space (and lots of free time), you can do this:
- restore as of a year ago to temp directory A
- run rdiff-backup to make a backup copy of temp A into temp B
- clear out temp A and restore as of 6 months ago to temp A
- run rdiff-backup from temp A to temp B again

Temp B now contains* an rdiff-backup repository of only two points in time -- a complete mirror of six months ago, and diffs to turn that into a year ago. If you're sure it worked, you can remove-older-than six months ago from your main repository, and have a lot fewer increment files. The size difference between temp B and the sum total of all the increments you just replaced shouldn't be all that much -- but it will exclude all the files that were created and removed in the space between the intervals (e.g. there will be no trace of log files that were created 51 weeks ago and rotated out of existence 50 weeks ago in this example), so temp B will be a bit smaller.

*: Note: I haven't actually tried this yet, so I might've overlooked something :)


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