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Re: [Rule-list] Modified installer

From: Devon
Subject: Re: [Rule-list] Modified installer
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 00:02:49 -0500

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 15 February 2002 07:31 pm, Martin Stricker wrote:

> > I can also post diffs on the anaconda package, the comps file, or
> > anything else there is interest in.
> That would be interesting. Just put them on the same directory as the
> iso, I'll pick them up on monday.

I put them up on my server instead. The files are:
Patch against the stock comps file-
Patch against the stock anaconda source-
Patch against the stock anaconda.spec file (to pick up the patches)

Those patches apply to the iso image I uploaded last night. There are 
more recent versions as well.

> I'm not sure if redhat-release is allowed in non-original Red Hat
> versions.

I'm not sure myself, but as it was part of the base install, I left it. 
At present modifying the installer was my main goal. The package 
selection can be modified later. ;)

> If I really needed to throw something out I would take tcsh (which is
> my favorite shell so I really would miss it) and pspell with the aspell
> packages (which I never use) out. finger, rsh, rusers,rwho, telnet for
> security reasons (but if configured correctly they may stay, with ssh I
> just see no need for them) Also I see no need for reiserfs-utils since
> reiserfs isn't in the Red Hat standard kernel.

I agree. Some of the files, although listed in the pkgfile, are not 
installed by default, since I removed them from the comps file. Some 
exist in the iso because anaconda looks for them. Others, like 
reiserfs-utils and raid-tools are in the package, but removed from the 
comps file. They are basically left overs from my initial builds, that I 
haven't deleted yet.

If you install the low memory install class, you get a slightly slimmed 
down version of the base section of the Red Hat comps file, with the 
option of including dialup support, network support, messaging, and web 
tools. The options are not selected by default in the most recent 
By Monday there should be a more recent version of the installer 
available at

> I'm only missing emacs here (I'm using both emacs and vi, for different
> purposes). But then I can install it afterwards from my boxed set CDs.
> I'll have to compare with the original comps file to see if I miss
> anything else (not at hand right now).

I like emacs myself. I just didn't see the need to add any more size to 
the iso image, since we are hoping that people will use this as a base, 
adding packages from the official Red Hat cds manually.

> OTOH it would be nice to stick as close to the Red Hat base install as
> possible since we want RULE to eventually become part of the official
> Red Hat Linux distro. Therefore it might be the better idea to put more
> into it than less.

Yes, I'd like to stick as close as possible to the standard Red Hat 
install as well.

Please let me know how the install goes? 

- -D

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