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[Savannah-hackers] submission of Great Tree Organizer

From: zhaoway
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of Great Tree Organizer
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 15:25:20 -0400

A package was submitted to
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zhaoway <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: lgpl
Other License: 
Package: Great Tree Organizer
System name: gto
This package wants to apply for inclusion in the GNU project

A modern LISP environment.

* Source Code In Database
* Shell environment directly to the parse tree
* Try to encourage bottom-up development
* Beautiful console environment utilizing fonts and colors and more
* Pretty-printing
* Scheme with library
* Cross-platform

I\'ve written some code now. I want more brain power and a backup.

Other Software Required:
The source is in C and shall be easily portable across Win32 and GNU/Linux. The 
goal is a cross-platform development envrionment. Some Win32 code will be 
there. And my current working platform is Win32 because its Chinese support is 
better and Mozilla on Linux is too slow on my poor Pentium 166. The current 
code is in LCC-Win32 which is freely downloadable from Internet. But no special 
library dependence or language extensions.

Other Comments:
Because the run-time considerations, GNU GPL may not be a perfect choice. My 
ideal is an open source one, and let my code protected.

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