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Re: [Savannah-users] password must contain multiple character classes...

From: Ineiev
Subject: Re: [Savannah-users] password must contain multiple character classes...
Date: Mon, 06 May 2013 10:25:45 +0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20100623)

On 05/06/2013 09:48 AM, Bob Proulx wrote:
Dan (jidanni) the original poster isn't subscribed.  He didn't ask to
be CC'd so we haven't been doing so.  Would you write him and let him
know that you improved things for him?


I have no idea on how to push the commit yet; it looks like it is
not enough to be in the "administration" group to do that.

Hmm...  Let me look at things for a bit.

Thank you!

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