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[Simulavr-devel] build patch

From: Theodore A. Roth
Subject: [Simulavr-devel] build patch
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 17:59:55 -0700 (MST)

I've taken Reinhard's build fixes and merged them. I did change a few 
things though. I haven't check this in yet in case anyone finds problems 
with it.

- The dist-hook rule in top level isn't needed. Plus, the way
I wrote it, it would copy the files to the wrong place (build/simulavr/)
and leave some garbage behind. The file in $auxdir are still ending up in
the tarball.

- Added a check for avr-ld in avr_binutils.m4.

- test_asm/test_8515/ I did this a little different than 
Reinhards patch. The $(TEST_ASM_SRC:.asm=.bin) construct is a gnumake only 
feature (as far as I know), so they should all be prefixed by the 
@ifGNUmake@ macro. I also went ahead and added the code to perform the 
final linking which I talked about last night. Since this affects the 
build, I thought it appropriate to add it now so Reinhard can test it.

I did the following and everything looks good:

  $ cd build-sim
  $ ../simulavr/configure --prefix=$HOME/local/sim
  $ make
  $ make install
  $ make uninstall
  $ make dist
  $ make distcheck

simulavr-0.0.13-pre3.tar.gz is ready for distribution


If you don't have any problems with this, I'll make up a complete 13-pre3 
patch with everything from version 0.0.12 to present.

I'd like to get version 13 out by tuesday or wednesday. I have to make a 
trip to southern California for about a week. I'm planning to leave 
thursday morning. If you guys have anything you want in 13, I'll need to 
have the patch by tuesday to ensure it gets in.

Simulavr is really starting to solidify. Once the gdb interface and build 
systems are rock solid, I'll have to bump it up to 0.1.0. I'm thinking 
that the 0.1 goal should be working on adding the missing simulation 


Attachment: sim-12-13-pre2-build.patch
Description: Text document

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