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Re: [Simulavr-devel] [patch #1764] ATmega timer0 implementation specific

From: Bill
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] [patch #1764] ATmega timer0 implementation specifics and sleep handling
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 21:41:29 -0500
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If you (or someone) are willing to roll a tarball with the patch successfully applied and give me some way of observing that the patch works, I'll update CVS with the changes.

By "some way of observing" I'm thinking a brief description that I can use to demonstrate to myself what is broken and then compare that to the demonstration showing the issue is fixed. In an ideal world, it would be a script I could just run ;-)

I know this is perhaps a bit demanding, but it is not a small patch and it sounds like there are conflicts in it, so I would not want to break simulavr by trying to apply a patch I don't really understand.

If you would like to take this off-list, feel free to contact me directly. I might be willing to do the patch application if you are willing to test it and help me develop a regression test that I can add to CVS.

I'll post to the list if this progresses further, so that everyone will know of any progress.

In any event, thanks for your comments Paul. Without a "live thread", that is to say, without anyone working on this item, we will likely leave it closed.

Paul Schlie wrote:

Please do not close (i.e. please re-open) the patch unless you know
it's not appropriate for simulavr; as closing it without applying it,
only obscures it's existence. (where I'd guess that although not active,
Ted would be willing to add a comment about his sense of comfort with the
patch being applied to the current HEAD.)

Given your recent frustration with fielding questions from folks trying
to build simularxx, which is dependant on more third-party SW being
installed than simulavr is; designating simulavr a dead-end may be
premature, as it's better than the alternative of nothing, even if
presently lacking of an active maintainer, as things do change.

Thanks for your consideration, and although know it's easy to get
frustrated by things on occasion, please don't make hasty unnecessary
decisions about the fate of simulavr until truly necessary to do so;
as I for at least one can state that I'm glad it's available.


From: Klaus Rudolph <address@hidden>

Update of patch #1764 (project simulavr):

            Assigned to:                   troth => zfrdh
            Open/Closed:                    Open => Closed


Follow-up Comment #1:

Actually I will clean up bugtracking and patch data base.

This very old pacth was not applied in the past and the project is not
actually maintained.

I drop this entry now. If you would maintain the last

version of simulavr you simply could send an actual patch for it. But please
remember that simulavr will not be continued and no new features will come
until a new maintainer for the project is found.

I myself will continue the work at simulavrxx so simulavr

is for my personal view a dead end.

Feel free to reactivate the old simulavr project if you

have a personal need for it.


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