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Re: [Simulavr-devel] Structure of the source code

From: Klaus Rudolph
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] Structure of the source code
Date: Sat, 05 Jan 2008 19:01:10 +0100
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Knut Schwichtenberg schrieb:


to understand a little bit better about simulavrxx I took a look to the source
directory and would like you to explain a little of the source structure.

I only mention the cpp-File for my grouping.

The first group I think I found is what I call the "Unspecific-AVR" which
consists of:
hwacomp.cpp hweeprom.cpp hwmegaextirq.cpp hwmegatimer.cpp  hwspi.cpp
hwstack.cpp hwtimer.cpp  hwwado.cpp       hwad.cpp         hwextirq.cpp
hwmegatimer0123irq.cpp   hwport.cpp       hwsreg.cpp       hwtimer01irq.cpp
hwuart.cpp               flash.cpp

The next group I would call the "AVR-Devices" which consists of:
at4433.cpp   at8515.cpp   atmega128.cpp

Then there is the "GDB-Interface":
gdbserver.cpp  mysocket.cpp



No, net is not gdb or network. Net gives electrical nets to the simulation. You could connect nets from different avrs or lcd or keyboard or maybe any other simulated hardware to a net. Nets will be calculated in a digital fashion or in a very! simlified analog way. This is also used for connecting serialrx/tx to the pipe. avr-simulator-> net->serialrx->pipe->file(unix)

file handler for trace outputs. sometimes traces could be larger than you expect. For this traces will be splitted in multiple files with numbered file names.

I think there is a kind of Glue:
helper.cpp  main.cpp

And at least there is the "Environment"

Helper to produce code for an AT-Keyboard. I simulate an normal pc keyboard with the scan-codes and so on. So you can use it in simulations. I have one attatched to a atmega128 and a lcd so I have a "full" terminal for my applications :-)

 keyboard.cpp lcd.cpp pinatport.cpp pin.cpp

pin and pinatport reflect the pins and the assignment from pins to a port. Yes, sometimes are file names are good :-)

Not really ready to use. This was the startpoint to have a scope functionality to display the waveform of menitored pins. But not ready to use yet.

serialrx.cpp      serialtx.cpp

Simulation of serial ports. So you can use a unix pipe to tranfer data from/to a simulated uart in the avr simulation. Very nice to have it for giving debug-printf a chance also in simulation. also good for connect multiple simulators over network if time is really a big problem.


Every "consumer" needs to be registered here. All kind of timing events could be generated, especialy asynchrous ones!

Connection to tcl.

Some files left open maybe you could assign them:


Decoding the instruction set from binary files to instruction classes.


The same, but with trace functionality inside the classes. Means that ever executed instruction will tell something. A runtime "if" is to slowing down the simulator a lot, so I decided to decide tracing while decoding, not later while executing.


Base class for all avr_####.cpp


code which is directly derived from the old simulavr, simply writing errors / warnings
Should be removed in the future...

Also old code from older simulavr...
will be removed in the future...


Base class of all which could be member of simulation loop. Provides the CpuCycle() method for example.


As writen above... simulation for ports. PA0..7/PB0..7 and so on.


Some registers which are not directly asigned to the hardware modules. These are some "micelinous" registers which are shared by mutiple hardware modules or have general purpose. The names are the same as in avr decumentation.


Logic for handling the interrupts and priorities.

Logic glue code for memories like flash and ram. Also have helper functions for getting debugging symbols from elf (and other) source files for tracing avr code.


Logic glue code for assigning a pin to a port.


??? not every question will generate an answer ... ??? :-)
Ok, this will hold printable results for later output... not really knowing why I made this this way. :-)


:-) This is the original comment:
    31 /*
    32  * All here defined types are used to simulate the
    33  * read write address space. This means also registers
    34  * io-data space, internal and external sram
    35  */

A singleton to have an instance for the application to register all printable things to print them later... like irq statistic at the end of simulation. Maybe a bit over-designed :-)

After knowing a little more about the sources I'll go through try to understand
all the rest of the files and what needs to be asked further :-).

Hope this helps!

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