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Re: [Simulavr-devel] [SimulAVR development] Maintained or not?

From: Petr Hluzín
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] [SimulAVR development] Maintained or not?
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 22:46:10 +0100


2011/2/17 Олег Большаков <address@hidden>:
> ...
> I can also see many TODOs for atmega8 device in the last simulavr
> release
> The question:
> Is the development of simulavr is still maintained?
> We are intersted in using some AVR-simulator. Is it reasonably to
> maintain simulavr in your opinion?

There are two flavors of simulavr: the one written in C and the other
in C++ (formerly simulavr++) in Git repo.
Last commit into the C variant was 2009-03-05 and yes, the
version you are using is the newest, unfortunately. [1]

The C++ variant is is/was developed more recently, last significant
changes were several months ago.

I think the C++ variant currently has superset of features of the C
variant. It also supports ATmega8 (thanks to Ivica Safranko). Consider
migrating to the C++.

So, is it the C variant maintained? Maybe. There are some patches for
C waiting to be commited.

(I am not familiar with the C codebase, so I am leaving the
responsibility of committing them to others.)


Petr Hluzin

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