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Re: Swarm 1.1 Available

From: glen e. p. ropella
Subject: Re: Swarm 1.1 Available
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 19:38:58 -0700

Sure.  Since another Swarm user asked me at swarmfest for my .emacs
file, I'm echoing this to the swarm-support list... hope you don't
mind. Set up the following in your .emacs file (placed in the 
$HOME directory, which if you use the swarm.exe that Marcus set
up, the HOME variable is probably set to "/Swarm"):

(setq win32-quote-process-args t)
(setq shell-command-switch "-c")
(setq binary-process-input t)
(setq explicit-shell-file-name "c:/Cygnus/b19/H-i386-cygwin32/bin/bash.exe")
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
(add-hook 'java-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock)

I forget why I have the first 3 statements.  At some point, the 
shell did not work, I added those and then it worked.  You might
try it without them first, because they probably aren't necessary.

The 5th statement turns off the automatic tab insertion for indenting.
Instead it uses spaces.

And the last one is for font-lock mode.  That's sufficient for 
everything but ObjC(and other obscure languages [grin]), for
which you need to add a hook for ObjC to use, say, CC-Mode.

Doug Donalson wrote: 
>    I've never used emacs for anything but pure editing.  Could you give
> me a quick and dirty on how to run a program from inside it?  I
> have the Win95 version installed.

Glen E. Ropella                  (505) 424-0448
The Swarm Corporation            address@hidden

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   to day usage of Swarm.  For list administration needs (esp.
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