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Re: needed-software suggestion

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: needed-software suggestion
Date: 01 Apr 1998 08:10:14 -0800

>>>>> "SC" == Scott Christley <address@hidden> writes:

SC> I suppose I should be smart enough to know that I should just pick
SC> the largest numbers for each package, but there is still the
SC> nagging question of why are there old versions sitting around
SC> anyways?

The reason all that history is there is because many Swarm users
either don't have the time to install their own versions of the latest
everything, or lack smart and responsive sysadmins like we
do here at SFI.  I think most of the permutations of the software in
the needed-software directory should work with Swarm 1.1.

I'll try to clean it up some.

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